Free download passing the turing test
Free download passing the turing test

free download passing the turing test

Society can only be understood through a study of the messages and the communication facilities which belong to it and that in the future development of these messages and communication facilities, messages between man and machines, between machines and man, and between machine and machine, are destined to play an ever-increasing part. After a certain length of time or a specified number of entreats, the integrator is then asked to decide which respondent was human and which was the machine. The interrogator quizzes both respondents within a certain topical area, e.g., should the country stop using nuclear energy. During the test, one of the humans serves as the integrator, while the second human and the computer function as respondents. One terminal is operated by a computer while the other two are operated by humans. The original Turing Test, also referred to as the Imitation Game, calls for three physically separated terminals. Specifically, Turing proposed that a computing machine can be characterized as exhibiting intelligence if it can duplicate human responses under specific conditions. The goal was to define a criterion for a machine to be characterized as “intelligent,” meaning that a human could not distinguish it from another human through a variety of interactions. After the war, Turing continued to explore artificial intelligence and in the early 1950s proposed a screening process that was eventually dubbed the Turing Test. Interestingly, Babbage was also a code breaker and solved the Vigenére cipher-the “Enigma Code” of his era. Nevertheless, Turing is most well-known as the man who cracked the German Enigma Code during World War II. The new innovator, another Englishman, Alan Turing, developed a seminal paper in the mid-1930s, postulating that it should be possible to reproduce human intelligence using a powerful enough computer, one that could discover new relationships based on experiential interactions. Another 100 years would pass before the world would witness the first operational, programmable computer and it would be based on electronics, not mechanical wheels and cranks. Unfortunately, the manufacturing technology of the day was not capable of meeting his design specifications. Subsequently, Babbage went on to design a general-purpose computer (the analytical engine). Basically, Babbage’s Difference Engine was a “souped-up” adding machine that could perform very complex calculations.

Free download passing the turing test